What is ACEJMC?

what is ACEJMC

Anyone wanting to study journalism should be aware of the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC). This is an organization to oversees and evaluates many college and university journalism and mass communications programs across the country. A body such as this ensures that standards within the profession are being met at the institutions that teach future journalism professionals. Take a look below to learn more about this organization, its values and requirements.


This council helps to ensure that programs being offered to secondary education students comply with ethics and standards within the profession. Unfortunately, there are institutions that are considered to be “degree mills” that simply don’t provide students with a quality education. Accreditation from a professional body such as ACEJMC can give prospective students peace of mind that their education will adequately prepare them for work within the journalism field. This organization is an independent body that sets forth industry-accepted criteria an institution must meet in order to receive their accreditation.

Principles and Eligibility Requirements

The guiding principle of the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications is a dedication to excellence and high standards within professional journalism education. The organization emphasizes certain elements within a curriculum such as problem-solving skills, analytical reasoning and critical thinking. It also looks for programs to promote innovation within their coursework and encourages each institution to identify itself through unique expression.

There are particular eligibility requirements in order to receive ACEJMC accreditation. Any institution seeking this accreditation must meet with a council representative three to five years before the first anticipated accreditation review. This ensures the school and program are in line with council values and standards. The department seeking accreditation must provide professional courses taught by full-time staff. Each faculty member must be officially recognized on the school’s organizational chart. Any unit wishing to be accredited by this body must have departmental status within their institution.

ACEJMC Accreditation Standards

There are nine standards that must be met by a department and institution in order to receive accreditation by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

These nine standards are:

  • Mission, governance and administration
  • Curriculum and instruction
  • Diversity and inclusiveness
  • Full-time and part-time faculty
  • Scholarship, research and professional activities fostered by innovation
  • Student services
  • Resources, facilities and equipment
  • Professional and public service
  • Assessment of learning outcomes

It’s important that the working environment within a unit or department be established as to reflect fairness and effectiveness among its leadership and staff. The curriculum provided must demonstrate adherence to the council’s standards and vision. The curriculum must demonstrate commitment to global diversity. It’s expected that faculty will engage in research pursuits that will advance the profession. In addition, there must be evidence that students are provided the support they need to receive the education required to achieve graduation with a degree from said department. The program should have adequate resources to accomplish its mission to students and the public. Finally, student learning objectives must be assessed regular to ensure compliance with council standards.

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This is an overview of this council and its purpose. The Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC) exists to ensure students receive a quality education that will prepare them for a career in journalism.