How Quickly Can I Earn a Master’s in Journalism Degree Online?

Students looking at graduate schools may want to how quickly they can earn a Master’s in Journalism degree online. Journalism programs prepare students for working in different areas of the field, though many programs now include classes on writing for the Web. They learn how to produce content and evaluate the sources they use for that content, but they also learn how to edit their work based on their readers. The amount of time that it takes to finish one of these programs can vary due to certain factors.
Average Length of Time
The total amount of time it takes to complete a journalism graduate degree is usually two years. This only applies to full-time students though. Those who enroll part-time will usually take more time to finish their degrees. Schools will typically have rules that lay out how long students can spend in a program, which is usually five to 10 years. Those who do not complete their degrees within that time frame will need to re-enroll and start the program over again. Part-time students usually spend three to four years to finish their online degrees.
Factors That Determine Time Frame
Different factors can determine how quickly students can earn a Master’s in Journalism online, including how many courses the student takes and whether the program includes a thesis. A journalism program with a thesis component will ask that students spend time doing research and creating a final paper based on that research that they submit to the school. Some online programs have a capstone rather than a thesis and ask students to do research around a topic that relates to the theme of a final capstone class. If a journalism program does not include a thesis or capstone, students can finish their studies in 12 to 18 months.
Applying to Graduate School
Students sometimes think that online programs are less selective and don’t have as many steps as traditional schools do. Online journalism programs want students who can handle working online with minimal supervision and help and those who have a strong background in writing. These colleges will usually ask that students submit an application and that they write an essay that explains what they want to do with a journalism degree and how that college or university can help them. They may need to write a goals statement that lists all their journalism goals and provide both transcripts from their past colleges and professional references.
How to Choose a Program
Choosing the right online journalism program is important for students who want to study on the Web. Kelsey Sheehy of U.S. News and World Report recommends that students look at the curriculum of each program and whether the college has accreditation. Regional accreditation is the most important because it’s also what lets graduate students get financial aid. Journalism majors may want to look at whether the program includes any concentrations too, especially if they want to write content for specific industries.
Online colleges now offer the same programs and opportunities as traditional schools do. Students can even study journalism and hone their writing skills through online programs before working in the field. They need to consider whether the school has accreditation and what the program requires. Students can usually earn a Master’s in Journalism degree online in one to three years.
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