Can I Get a Web Design Degree Using Scholarship Money?

In today’s society, most successful careers require college degrees. In this age of technology and online presence, web design is an excellent field of study to choose. The challenge that many people face is the inability to keep up with rising education costs. By earning scholarships such as these, it can be possible to complete a web design degree without suffering any out-of-pocket costs.
The Art Institute of California High School Scholarship Competition
The Art Institute of California invites its high school senior applicants interested in web design to apply for the High School Scholarship Competition. The Art Institute of California, located in Hollywood, is an arts school within the Argosy University family. Four total scholarships will be awarded: $7000 to Best of Show, $5000 to first place, $4000 to second place, and $3000 to third place. This is a merit-based award. Applicants must submit an original web design project, along with a resume and current high school transcript verifying a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Web Warrior Scholarship
Web design students ll across the Untied States are invited to apply for the annual Web Warrior Scholarship. Applicants must submit an essay, the topic of which changes yearly and is released in the application. The winner will be chosen based on both the grammar and content of the essay. This award totals $1000.
ESA Foundation Scholarship Program
Women and minority students face an exceptional amount of challenges in the pursuit of web design degrees. The Entertainment Software Association therefore offers its ESA Foundation Scholarship Program to students who fall into these categories. Depending on the amount of funding, the ESA could offer up to 30 $3000 scholarships each year. Half of these awards go to high school seniors, and half go to current college undergraduates. All eligible applicants must be enrolled full time in an undergraduate program. Applicants must also hold a current GPA of 2.75 or higher.
Hoods Memorial Scholarship
The Electronic Document Scholarship Foundation encourages web design students to apply for its Hoods Memorial Scholarship. This yearly award totals $2000 and is given to one student who is currently enrolled in a university program. Eligible applicants will be able to demonstrate academic achievement and commitment to their field of study.
Joel Cartun Scholarhsip
The Electronic Document Scholarship Foundation also offers the Joel Cartun Scholarship. This annual $1000 award is open to both domestic and international students currently enrolled in university programs. Eligible applicant must hold a GPA of 3.0 or higher and submit a cover letter, two recommendation letters, official academic transcripts, and two essays.
Microsoft Imagine Cup
One of the most exciting scholarship programs for web design students is the Microsoft Imagine Cup. This is a competition for current student developers, and the prize is up to $100,000. This award alone could fund the majority of the winner’s web design degree. The application process is extensive, but the time and energy invested in the project will look great on a resume.
These scholarships are only a few examples of the many available to current and future web design students. Like the Art Institute of California listed above, many schools and programs offer their own scholarships. Applying for scholarships is not only a financial investment, but it also demonstrates commitment to the field and presents opportunities to develop special projects that can be used for school assignments and job portfolios. It is definitely possible to get a web design degree using scholarship money.
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