Graphic Design Degrees in Vermont

Finding a school in Vermont with accreditation is easy because there are several accredited graphic design degree programs in Vermont. Accreditation ensures that students graduate with a degree that actually means something in the real world and that they have all the computer and design skills that employers desire. Graphic design is one of the hottest and fastest growing industries, and students who leave these programs will have no problem working for newspapers, websites, advertising firms, radio stations and in other positions. Students interested in graphic design should look at each program available in the state and the type of courses available.

Burlington College

Art + Design Department

Dr. Steward LaCasce saw the issues that nontraditional students faced when attempting to attend college and wanted to make things easier for those students. He launched a new alternative education program that gave single parents, older students and even war veterans study topics that interested them. Founded in 1972 as the Vermont Institute of Community Involvement, students originally met in the doctor’s home. The college gained accreditation in 1982 and continued growing in terms of population. It now has its own main campus and allows students the option of designing their own curriculum and programs to earn a degree.

B.F.A. in Graphic Design

Though some students attending Burlington College develop their own degree programs, the college also offers some traditional degree programs. Its B.F.A. in Graphic Design is one of its top programs. This unique program allows students to create their own artwork and develop design skills they might use as artists working with different mediums, but it also provides students with the skills necessary for working for others. Graduating from the program requires completing 121 credit hours or more, but nearly half of the credits needed come from general education classes. Students must take two art history classes, classes on modern art and courses on advanced design. All students enrolled in programs offered by the department must also take several studio classes that give them the chance to create their own designs and websites. Completion of at least one art or design internship and two advanced seminars are also necessary.


  • Commission on Institutions of Higher Education
  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)


351 North Ave.
Burlington, VT 05401
(800) 862-9616

Castleton State College

Art Department

Many of the schools that offer the top accredited graphic design degree programs in Vermont are on the small side, and that is true of Castleton State College, which has a population of around 2,000 students. During the late 1700s, the school served as a preparatory academy for male students, but it later became a school for female students. It also served as a medical school and a teaching school over the years. As the school moved away from education programs and began adding more programs, it adopted its current name and joined the Vermont State Colleges organization.

B.A. in Art in Graphic Design

Castleton State College offers a large number of art classes as well as a B.A. in Art in Graphic Design degree. This degree combines elements of both graphic design and traditional art. Students major in art and choose a concentration in graphic design. Students take the same general education required courses as students in other departments take and the same art classes as other art majors, but these students also earn 18 credit hours for six specific graphic design classes. Students who want to focus their talents specifically on graphic design can enter the Graphic Design & Production program. This program trains students on how to use different types of computer software, creating web graphics and working in advertising and film/television production. Prior to graduating, students will also need to complete a portfolio of their designs and show their designs to a panel of professors who will evaluate the work they did in the program.


  • Commission on Institutions of Higher Education
  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)


Castleton College
Castleton, VT 05735
(800) 639-8521

Champlain College

Champlain College opened in 1878 but shares little in common with its original campus. Not only did the campus move to several different locations around Burlington, but it also served as a business school and a teaching college before becoming one of the state’s top private liberal arts schools. The college works hard to keep class sizes down, which lets professors focus more on individual students, and no class can consist of more than 30 students. The 2,000 students now taking classes on campus represent more than 40 different states and countries from around the world.

BFA in Graphic Design and Digital Media

Graphic designers working today know that technology constantly changes, which means that their jobs and the skills they need change too. The BFA in Graphic Design and Digital Media strives to provide students with the fundamentals that will help them transition to new forms of software in the future. Champlain College helps students find and land internships with some of the top companies in the world, and former students worked for Burton Snowboards, Seventh Generation and some of the top viewed websites. Students also have the chance to study abroad in France, Spain and other countries, which helps them gain an understanding of what graphic designers do in those countries and the fundamentals of international design. Those applying for admission to the program must submit a portfolio that shows some of the work they did in the past. Students can add to that portfolio while taking classes on digital artwork, digital photography and other subjects.


  • Commission on Institutions of Higher Education
  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)


251 South Willard St.
Burlington, VT 05401, USA
(802) 860-2700

Vermont College of Fine Arts

Established in 2008, the Vermont College of Fine Arts is a graduate school in Montpelier that focuses on the advanced education of students interested in art and design. Though the school is the newest college in the state, it has one of the most diverse and award winning faculty in the country. Several professors were finalists for the Pulitzer Prize, and others won awards for their writing and art. The school has around 60 professors and less than 400 students, which keeps class sizes extremely low. VCFA is particular about who it admits to its programs and has a long application process that helps the college identify the best students.

Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design

Though there are multiple accredited graphic design degree programs in Vermont, one of the best is the program offered by the Vermont College of Fine Arts. This program features a unique design that allows students to focus their studies and attention off campus. They can live anywhere they want and come back for intensive sessions on campus. Though most students graduate in two years, they spend only a few weeks living on campus. This lets them discuss their progress with instructors and get feedback about the work they did without spending a lot of time on general education courses that don’t apply to their future careers. Students spend six months working on their projects before spending a week on campus with professors and other students. The founders of the program wanted students to learn independently while still gaining valuable feedback.


  • Commission on Institutions of Higher Education
  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)


36 College St.
Montpelier, VT 05602
(866) 934-8232

Graphic designers work for advertising firms, public television and in the private sector. They create television and magazine ads, design websites and perform other tasks when needed. Accredited graphic design programs in Vermont give students all the skills that they need for succeeding in their future careers.